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Queens College, Oxford, UK, EU, August 5-13, 2000
Queens College
The House The Front Quad The Roof

copyright-violating postcard scans

queens college website

pic by Mike
At Queens College Gate, ready to invade Oxford, a few hours before poster session two
but first Jan has to take our picture with everyone's camera
Jan, one little pic...
Ana's camera

Mike, David I, Varuni, Chris, Ana, Rogier, Vanessa, Melissa, Peter more, Jan...
Vanessa's camera

Mike, David I, Chris, Ana, Varuni, Rogier, Peter, Vanessa, Melissa
...last one,  Jan...
David I's camera

Mike, David I, Chris, Ana, Varuni, Rogier, Peter, Vanessa, Melissa
...motion picture...
David I's camera

blurry view after a long night in the Beer Cellar on Pints of Biocomplexity-paid double Glenmorangies
27 pounds per night including eggs and sausages in The Queens College Dining Hall*** (Three Michelin Stars)
David I's Room

pics by David I
Mike's Room

pic by Mike
here's another one. thought it would be nice to remember the generous alotment of space between the washbowls, the side table, and the bed in my room. -Mike
Dave, Chris, Ellis, Brenda
planning GRC2002???
Queens College Gate, last day in Oxford
David I, Rogier, Miguelito, Ana, Dave S
shot by ??? with Ana's camera

pictures, comments, questions, etc. to Rogier Stuger

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